Location  Taipei, Taiwan  /  Year  2022  /  Character  residential  / Area  109m²

  • 整體設計主軸強調空間一至性,設計語彙及元素整合,玄關屏風透過直橫向交錯分割及虛實量體創造入口與客廳的區隔,空間排佈上模糊了客廳、餐廳及廚房既有的界線感,讓整個空間更加開闊,搭配大片落地窗光線灑落,使感受到在不同時間點折射出各式山影光線灑落屋內。

    The overall design emphasizes the unity of space, and the integration of design vocabulary and elements. The entrance screen creates a partition between the entrance and the living room through vertical and horizontal staggered divisions and virtual and physical volumes. The spatial arrangement blurs the existing boundaries between the living room, dining room and kitchen, making the whole space wide open. The large floor-to-ceiling windows enable you to feel the light reflected from various mountains at different times.


    After concealing the boundaries of the public area in the design, different floor materials are used to hint the boundary of each space area. There are gray tiles at the entrance, warm-colored pandomo in the living room corridor and wood grain floor in the private sections. The wall is made of warm-colored paint and off-white thin tiles with natural wood veneer texture. The storage and display area uses neat vertical and horizontal divisions of iron pieces and overlapping of stones to present the fun use of different materials. Arc shapes are used to embellish the ceiling, the headboard in the master bedroom, and the dressing room, adding richness to each space.


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