Location  Taoyuan, Taiwan  /  Year  2023  /  Character  residential  /  Area  85m²

  • 空間色彩極簡於零,採用各種同色調不同深淺之材料套用於空間之中,讓空間感受達到平衡且舒適的居住環境。

    Step into a space that embraces a minimalist approach, employing materials of varying shades within the same color tone to achieve a balanced and comfortable living environment.


    Upon entry, a screen featuring translucent glass bricks and curved walls symbolizes the design elements threading through each space seamlessly. Curved elements are integrated into the ceiling design and cabinet doors, enhancing the overall rounded feel of the space. The TV wall and the bookcase backdrop are painted with special paint of matching tones, intentionally designed to highlight the texture of the paint, achieving a diverse spatial hierarchy. In addition to materials of similar tones, accents of light gold and antique bronze are applied in specific areas, with special colors used for pendant lights, shelves, and hardware, infusing the space with charm and vibrancy.


    By returning space and color to its natural purity, we invite you to rediscover the essence of living. Our aim is for you to create your own unique sanctuary, filled with memories and experiences that are truly yours.


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